Watauga Valley Railroad Historical Society & Museum

About the WVRHS&M

Although we have been a National Railroad Historical Society Chapter since May, 1981, we realized that we could better serve the community by establishing a railroad museum that would allow an up-close look at the region's railroad history and the restoration of vintage rail cars. We are achieving that mission through the activities noted below.

Our Mechanical Staff, composed of dedicated members, have successfully restored two vintage coaches, a vintage dining car, and a vintage lounge car that have traveled across the United States and are well respected among the railroad historical and preservation communities. Our Mechanical Staff diligently works to keep our five vintage cars in operating condition and ready for lease status. The mechanical staff are presently upgrading Clinchfield 100, which was the General Manager's car for the Clinchfield Railroad.

We have an active excursion program. We usually sponsor six trips a year, including visits to scenic railroads and mainline excursions. We also have carpool tours for members only.

We hold membership meetings every fourth Monday of the month (excluding December) at the Chuckey Depot Museum in Jonesborough, and work sessions on the cars are held every Tuesday and Saturday at our coach yard in Jonesborough, TN. (NOTE: The May meeting is held on the THIRD Monday due to the Memorial Day. Our December meeting is a Christmas fellowship.) Members receive the "Whistle Stop", our monthly newsletter containing photos, historical archives, railroad news, up-to-date news of upcoming events, and first-hand reports of current, local rail activity.

In partnership with the Town of Jonesborough, TN, we helped move, restore and establish the Chuckey Depot Railroad Museum, a former Southern Railway depot. This museum, now open to the public, houses the many railroad-related artifacts that have been donated to us over the last 30 years for everyone to enjoy.

While moving forward with our museum effort, we are proudly retaining our association with the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS).

Our membership is diverse and comes from many different backgrounds and occupations. We are working hard to ensure that the sound of a steam whistle will once again echo through the mountains of our region. We extend a welcome to you to join us so you won't miss out on all of the exciting things that we have planned. Membership includes:

If this sounds appealing to you, and we hope it does, get your membership application below!

Membership Application

Note that membership in the National Railway Historical Society is open to all WVRHS&M members. For more information on the NRHS, please visit NRHS.